
Call or Email Dori for current rates and availability.

Minimum 2 Night Stay

Cleaning Fee: $550

Call or Email Dori for a long-term rental quote.

We have a strict no-pets policy.


Bookings canceled 30 days prior to check-in will receive a full refund. Cancellations within 30 days prior to 7 days of arrival will receive a 50% refund. If a travel ban or other official ruling due to Covid-19 prevents you from traveling, we will offer a full refund up to the time of arrival. However, if plans are canceled due to a personal decision, even if related to COVID-19, our above cancellation policy is in effect.


The Chrome Chasers Lodge is available in June and July

Call or email Dori to book your specific dates


We accept checks, credit cards or Venmo Payments.

Credit Card - Please note when using a credit card we apply a processing fee of 3.6% to the purchase price. Call Dori’s cell (406) 580-8222 to make payment by credit card.

Check - Please make checks payable to Dori Matney and send them to:

Dori Matney

790 Damarell Rd.

Bozeman, MT 59718

Venmo - @ChromeChasers-DoriMatney